Lean, Green, Fit and Clean

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strawberries and measuring tape


When your hormones are imbalanced your body is no longer in homeostasis. This often leads to weight gain, increased cortisol release which often times leads to unwarranted stress and anxiety, brain fog and can ultimately lead your body into a state of widespread inflammation that can lead to pain and disease. It is time to take action, reset those hormones and live a cleaner, healthier, and happier life. Join me on a 90-day hormone reset, rebalance and clean eating journey.


My story: I have always had an issue with my weight. After I had my kids, my hormones were so out of control that I developed ovarian cysts, gained a significant amount of weight, had horrible brain fog, migraines and headaches all the time, vision changes, etc. Due to those, I started getting arthritis and planters fasciitis. I was so unhappy until I came across a video on Facebook one day by SVELTE. I was memorized by all the foods that were anti-inflammatory and how she lost weight after just changing her diet. This began the moment when I started researching all of my symptoms and that is when I discovered about hormone healing, something I had never even heard of, even being in healthcare for almost 10 years. I got books, cookbooks and then did her metabolism reboot.

The result: In three months, I lost 15 pounds and felt so good. After I began losing weight, my schedule got busier, I was no longer working out and I wasn’t eating as well as I was. Headaches came back and I started to slowly gain weight back (only about 5 pounds, but still 5 pounds I worked hard to get off). I then was introduced to a company called MAKE wellness a month later. MAKE was a brand-new company that used AI to generate a new form of polypeptides, which are chains of amino acids. These were derived from nature, the first of its kind. Since this goes along with the natural lifestyle, I decided to give it a try. Low and behold, only 1 week on the products and I was down 3 pounds, I can think clearer than I ever have in my life, my clothes fit comfortably, no headaches or ocular migraines, I don’t have crazy energy crashes and now I can say that I have NEVER felt as good as I do right now.

Want to know more about these amazing products? Check out my health and wellness page: Health and Wellness – Code 3 Revelation

The day before Day 1 – prep:

If you are a busy bee like me, food and week prep will seriously be your best friend. It does take time away from your day off, relaxation or going out and doing something fun, but prep will make your week more convenient. Often times, we have this amazing plan, but then the week catches up with us, and we are exhausted, the last thing we want to do is slave over a 30-60 minute dinner. Instead, we decide to go out and grab something convenient, or we resort to a preservative packed meal that we can microwave or whip up in 5 minutes. This is the reason our country is facing the highest obesity rate ever seen in history. Friends, this is WHY we need to change. When we change, we change our family tree. So, prep your meals.

Start by making your grocery list and plan your meals for each day. I try to prep three to four days ahead of time, then on the other two or three days, I choose meals that take 20 minutes or less to prepare.

Here are Days 1-3 meal plan: Clean, Lean, Fit and Green – Days 1-3 – Code 3 Revelation

If you have kids, I encourage you to take some of these meals and make them kid friendly, so you aren’t making a bunch of different meals, and they are getting clean meals as well. I am currently working on a kid friendly meal plan that will be released the first week of January!

This is also the week I recommend starting to phase out some of your preservative filled meals in your fridge, freezer and pantry. Either donate it or use it and don’t replace it.

  • What I did was to make healthy meals for my kids and added those meals (example: chicken nuggets with a grilled veggie or bowl of fruit, or maybe a side salad with their favorite dressing). If you have picky kids like mine, you will want to do this in SMALL steps.

I also highly recommend getting the following three books. These are the books where I have done most of my research and also where I get most of the recipes. All of these recipes I have personally tried and enjoyed. I did make some modifications based off my preferences, but I encourage you to try the original recipes for all of these meals and then modify to your liking when you remake them.

  • Most of the recipes you will see in Weeks 1 and 2 will be from The Hormone Healing by Alan Christianson: https://amzn.to/3AH1bjn
  • The Adrenal Reset Diet by Alan Christianson: https://amzn.to/4fOApV4
  • And my newest book I am still in the process of reading. If you scored the highest on A, C or D (The quiz I am referring to is listed below), I HIGHLY recommend you getting this book and reading about the estrogen/progesterone imbalance. The Hormone Cure: https://amzn.to/4fvSB6a

I also recommend you taking this quick quiz, found inside the Hormone Healing cookbook. This gives you a good idea of where your hormone imbalance is:

Day 1: Make sure to weigh yourself after going to the bathroom, before eating breakfast or drinking your morning beverage. I recommend keeping a log of your weight and progress. Include how you are feeling, struggles you are facing or what changes you are noticing. You won’t notice much the first day, or maybe even the first three days, but you will begin noticing things along the way from there.

I also recommend taking a side picture, front picture and measurements of your chest, abdomen, hips and arms if you want. This is a great way to see your progress. Many times we don’t see much of a difference until you do a side-by-side picture.

As for water intake – men should ideally consume 3 liters of water per day, women 2.5 liters. In cup that is about 13 cups for men and 11 cups for women. Translating that to ounces, men you are looking at 104 ounces, women 88 ounces. For those who are not big water drinkers, this sounds like A LOT! Now that is the average, however our desired water intake should be based off our weight and height. I recommend seeking this information from a certified nutritionist. I added water recommendations based off the average, but if you cannot meet those, drink what you can. Start by giving yourself 1-2 cups for the first two days and then increase to one additional cup per day until you reach your desired amount.

  • If you are using fit, hydrate and/or energized, the water you use for those count towards you water consumption.

Exercise – when building routines, it is important to step into new habits one step at a time. Exercise is very important so we will ease into exercise, starting day 4. For days 1-3, make sure you are up and moving but you can keep to your daily exercise routine. If you are eager to start working out, please do so!